O. I. Lawal, O. Onipede, D. I. Mohammed


This study focused on the identification of production skills required by secondary school graduates for success in popcorn farming enterprise in Akure Agriculture Zone of Ondo State. Three research questions guided the study. The study adopted survey research design. The study was carried out in Akure Agricultural zone of Ondo State. The population of the study was 92 made up of 64 teachers of Agricultural science and 28 Agricultural Extension agents. Due to the small size of the population there was no sampling. The instrument used for data collection was a 47-item structured questionnaire which was face validated by three experts, Cronbach Alpha reliability method was employed to determine the internal consistency of the instrument and a coefficient of 0.78 was obtained. Ninety two copies of the instrument were administered on the respondents and all were retrieved. Mean and standard deviations were used to answer the research questions. It was found that all the 47 production skills identified for popcorn production were required by secondary school graduates in Akure Agricultural zone of Ondo state for success in popcorn farming enterprise. It was therefore recommended that the production skills required by secondary school graduates for success in popcorn farming enterprise be packaged and integrated into the curriculum of the skill acquisition centers for the training of the individuals on popcorn production.

Key words: Production, Skills, Secondary School, Graduates and Enterprise.

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